
BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / Offshore Sample Data... json jsonld

Offshore Sample Data - Activity & Scan

This layer shows the location and basic information for offshore sampling activities. It contains information about the activities which are conducted at a location resulting in the collection of data and/or physical material. Links to scanned images of sample description sheets, core and borehole logs are provided (where available) for openly available sampling activities where terms of use are known. Sampling activities include boreholes, shallow cores, seabed grabs and dredges. There may be several activities carried out at a single location. In addition to the ACTIVITY_ID, samples are uniquely named using a degree square, a number within the square, an equipment code and equipment attempt number. An example would be +54-003/1201/VE/2 – this is the 2nd Vibrocore at survey station 1201 within degree square 54° to 55°N and 2° to 3°W. Related data in Offshore Geology Data, Offshore Geotechnical Data, Offshore Geochemical Data and Offshore Seabed Sediment Collections.

offshore medin britain


