
BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / Offshore Hydrocarbon Wells json jsonld

Offshore Hydrocarbon Wells

This layer shows hydrocarbon wells. The United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) offshore hydrocarbon well borehole materials collection contains material from approximately 9000 wells, including over 300km of drillcore and 4.5 million samples of cuttings. During 2011–12, the collection was transferred from Gilmerton to Keyworth. Transferred core has been photographed and links to the photos are provided where available. You can also use a form to search the offshore hydrocarbon wells database. Further information for UKCS wells, seismic surveys, production infrastructure and licences, including a searchable form and a map interface are publically available from the UK National Data Repository (NDR) and the North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA).

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