
BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / BGS Scanned Maps (1:500k) / Items / Item 1003752 json jsonld

Item 1003752

Property Value
id 1003752
map_title_id 11198
map_series BGS 1:500k Offshore maps
full_title Central Rockall Basin Sheet 56 N - 58 N, 08 - 15 W Solid Geology.
map_series_edition Solid
copyright_owner BGS
additional_info None
publication_date 2002-01-01 00:00:00
map_series_formal_title None
geol_scale 1:500 000
extent_feature Central Rockall Basin
author_statement None
publication_statement Published 2002. Made and Published by the Ordnance Survey, Southampton, for the British Geological Survey. Print code: 02/1000