Borehole Records
The Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) is an index of over one million records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work held by the BGS. The collection covers onshore and near-shore boreholes from Great Britain dating back to at least 1790 and ranging from one to several thousand metres deep. Each year thousands of new records are added. Includes scans of paper records and digital records (including AGS).
geology boreholes drilling
- BGS Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) (text/html)
- BGS Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) Metadata (text/html)
- The landing page of this server as JSON (application/json)
- The landing page of this server as HTML (text/html)
- This document as JSON (application/json)
- This document as RDF (JSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- This document as HTML (text/html)
- Schema of collection in JSON (application/json)
- Schema of collection in HTML (text/html)
- Queryables for this collection as JSON (application/schema+json)
- Queryables for this collection as HTML (text/html)
- Items as GeoJSON (application/geo+json)
- Items as RDF (GeoJSON-LD) (application/ld+json)
- Items as HTML (text/html)
- Tiles as JSON (application/json)
- Tiles as HTML (text/html)