id |
6 |
contractor |
George Wimpey and Co Ltd
start_date_est |
cruise_area |
CP2 Regional Sea Boundaries: Irish Sea, Offshore 1:250k: Anglesey, Isle of Man, Lake District, Liverpool Bay, SeaVoX Sub-Ocean: IRISH SEA
end_date |
1968-09-23 00:00:00
cruise_data_url |
ship |
MV Moray Firth IV
abstract |
This marine sampling survey was carried out by George Wimpey & Co for British Geological Survey (BGS), the survey took place in August to September 1968 in the northeast Irish Sea on board the MV Moray Firth IV. This survey was carried out for a project in conjunction with geophysical survey 1968/3. The purpose was a general investigation of sea bottom sediments and the underlying rocks following on from surveys carried out in 1967. Sediment samples were collected using a shipek grab, gravity corer (rock and sediment) and vibracorer. Sea floor data were collected using Echo sounder. These data archived by BGS. Details of the survey are contained in BGS Technical report WB/MC/69/1.
end_date_est |
restitle |
Sampling Survey 1968/MF/1: North Irish Sea (10/Aug/1968 to 23/Sep/1968)
additional_info |
Information for this survey is sourced from BGS report WB/MC/69/1. Anchored vessel. Sampling equipment; Vibracorer (20 foot barrel); gravity corer and shipek grab. Navigation Decca Mark 12 system. Accuracy details contained in report. Echo-sounder - Kelvin Hughes M.S.36A Precision Depth Recorder. For more detailed information see the Cruise Report.
confidentiality |
unclassified (open file)
cruise |
nav_equip_type |
Not Available
accessuse_restric |
unrestricted use, copyright acknowledgement
mdfileid_nerc_guid |
geophys_equip_type |
Echo Sounder
terms_of_use |
Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced British Geological Survey materials "Contains British Geological Survey materials ©UKRI [year]"
cruise_alias |
samp_equip_type |
Corer: Rock Gravity, Corer: Sediment Gravity, Corer: Vibrocorer, Grab: Shipek
client |
British Geological Survey
start_date |
1968-08-10 00:00:00
terms_of_use_url |