
BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / Offshore Survey Overview / Items / Item 4 json jsonld

Item 4

Property Value
id 4
contractor British Geological Survey
start_date_est Real
shape None
cruise_area None
end_date 1967-07-14 00:00:00
cruise_data_url None
ship MV Braw Lads
abstract This marine geophysical survey was carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS), the survey took place in July 1967 off St Abbs on board the MV Braw Lads. The purpose was to ascertain whether or not it is possible with limited techniques to trace a connection between the Dunbar and Tweed Carboniferous basins a short distance offshore. Sea floor data were collected using echosounder and transit sonar. These data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in IGS report 70/1.
end_date_est Real
restitle Geophysical Survey 1967/2: St Abbs (10/Jul/1967 to 14/Jul/1967)
additional_info Information for this survey is sourced from IGS report 70/1. Vessel – 46 foot fishing boat. Navigation - Decca Navigatior MK 12 with sextant and shore-based theodolites as alternatives. Kelvin Hughes transit sonar (48 kHz), interference occurred from boat’s MS 39 FS echo-sounder (40 kHz). Carried out 59 traverses totaling 243km. Noise was excessive when running at more than 3 knots and in heavy swell. For more detailed information see the Cruise Report.
confidentiality unclassified (open file)
cruise 1967/2
nav_equip_type Not Available
accessuse_restric unrestricted use, copyright acknowledgement
mdfileid_nerc_guid abc9f747-5467-0f38-e044-0003ba9b0d98
geophys_equip_type Echo Sounder, Transit Sonar
terms_of_use Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced British Geological Survey materials "Contains British Geological Survey materials ©UKRI [year]"
cruise_alias None
samp_equip_type None
client British Geological Survey
start_date 1967-07-10 00:00:00