id |
35 |
cruise_alias |
nav_equip_type |
Decca Main Chain
accessuse_restric |
unrestricted use, copyright acknowledgement
restitle |
Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1971/2: English Channel (11/08/1971 to 21/08/1971)
geophys_equip_type |
Magnetometer, Sparker
terms_of_use |
Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced British Geological Survey materials "Contains British Geological Survey materials ©UKRI [year]"
ship |
samp_equip_type |
terms_of_use_url |
client |
British Geological Survey
start_date |
1971-08-11 00:00:00
contractor |
British Geological Survey
start_date_est |
cruise_data_url |
cruise_area |
CP2 Regional Sea Boundaries: Eastern Channel, Western Channel & Celtic Sea, Offshore 1:250k: Caen, Guernsey, Lands End, Lizard, Portland, Wight, SeaVoX Sub-Ocean: ENGLISH CHANNEL
end_date |
1971-08-21 00:00:00
mdfileid_nerc_guid |
abstract |
The Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS) were invited by French institutes BRGM and CNEXO to participate in a magnetic and shallow seismic survey in the English channel between Cherbourg and Falmouth on the first operational cruise of the new French oceanographic ship Noroit in August 1971.
end_date_est |
cruise |
additional_info |
For more detailed information on the acquisition equipment and data collection techniques, operational standards, data processing methods and quality control procedures used on this survey see the Report of Survey/Cruise Report and associated documentation where available. The information available may vary depending on the age of the survey. Data are checked and loaded to the BGS Coastal and Marine data management system following BGS marine data management procedures.
confidentiality |
unclassified (open file)