
BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / Offshore Survey Overview / Items / Item 10 json jsonld

Item 10

Property Value
id 10
ship FRV Clupea
additional_info For more detailed information on the acquisition equipment and data collection techniques, operational standards, data processing methods and quality control procedures used on this survey see the Report of Survey/Cruise Report and associated documentation where available. The information available may vary depending on the age of the survey. Data are checked and loaded to the BGS Coastal and Marine data management system following BGS marine data management procedures.
contractor British Geological Survey
cruise_area None
restitle Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1968/6: Firth of Forth (15/Dec/1968 to 20/Dec/1968)
start_date 1968-12-15 00:00:00
shape None
end_date_est Real
client British Geological Survey
terms_of_use Varying conditions apply
terms_of_use_url None
cruise_data_url None
cruise_alias None
mdfileid_nerc_guid abc9f747-546d-0f38-e044-0003ba9b0d98
nav_equip_type Not Available
end_date 1968-12-20 00:00:00
accessuse_restric unrestricted use, copyright acknowledgement
cruise 1968/6
samp_equip_type Corer: Rock Gravity, Corer: Sediment Gravity, Grab: Shipek
start_date_est Real
confidentiality unclassified (open file)
abstract This British Geological Survey (BGS) marine sampling survey took place in 1968 in the Firth of Forth on board the FRV Clupea. Work was originally planned as a geophysical cruise but due to boiler trouble with the FRS Scotia this vessel was substituted at short notice. In the time available it was not practicable to install geophysical equipment except side scan sonar. Sea floor data were collected using echo sounder. Seabed samples were collected using a shipek grab and rock dredge, sediment cores were collected using a gravity corer and a rock gravity corer. Sixty three stations were occupied these data are archived by BGS. Technical details of the survey are contained in IGS Internal Report 70/1.
geophys_equip_type Echo Sounder