BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / Offshore Geophysical Lines / Items / Item 246395 json jsonld

Item 246395

Leaflet | ESRI | Map data © ArcGIS
Property Value
id 246395
svy_line 18
contractor British Geological Survey
start_x -7.0555000
end_x_ed50 -5.7320000
start_y_bng 1044305
quality_assessment None
cruise 1971/5
cruise_line 1971/5#18
svy_line_id 96574
client British Geological Survey
start_y 59.1875000
end_y_ed50 58.4990000
end_x_bng 182536
release_date None
geophys_equip Pinger
start_datetime 1971-07-05 16:20:00
start_x_wgs84 -7.0573641
end_y_bng 962728
terms_of_use Available under the Open Government Licence subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced British Geological Survey materials "Contains British Geological Survey materials ©UKRI [year]"
additional_info None
end_x -5.7320000
start_y_wgs84 59.1868069
cruise_data_url None
line_length 108
end_y 58.4990000
line_length_units kilometres
end_datetime 1971-07-05 23:30:00
end_x_wgs84 -5.7337972
scan_information None
epsg_code 4230
start_x_ed50 -7.0555000
end_y_wgs84 58.4983003
confidentiality unclassified (open file)
epsg ED50
start_y_ed50 59.1875000
start_x_bng 111288
accessuse_restric unrestricted use, copyright acknowledgement