
BGS OpenGeoscience API / Collections / BGS Geological Factor... json jsonld

BGS Geological Factor Map Offshore - Bedrock Summary Lithologies

A series of maps describing geological factors relevant to offshore seabed activities. Produced in collaboration with The Crown Estate in 2014. The Bedrock Summary Lithologies dataset is a digital geological map across the bulk of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS), for areas up to a water depth of 200m, which groups the bedrock lithologies (rock types) into classes based on similar engineering geology characteristics. The map is derived from the 1:250,000 scale digital bedrock map of the UKCS, called DiGRock250k, which is available separately from the BGS. The map was produced in 2014 in collaboration with The Crown Estate as part of a project to assess seabed development opportunities across the UKCS. This map has been released for viewing on the Offshore GeoIndex alongside a series of other offshore geological maps from the BGS.

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